Well, again, I have procrastinated writing LONG ENOUGH! I didn't realize it had been almost an entire YEAR since I last wrote! I knew it had been a while, but I didn't think it had been that long. Of course, since a year has past there is a lot to catch up on, so I'll try to make it as quick an overview as possible.

First of all, let's say that Bryan, Isaac and I are now living in Lovelock, Nevada! Bryan graduated and finished his Student Teaching in December 2011, and now he has a job here teaching music for grades K-12. Definitely a full-time, busy schedule job. He had been applying for jobs the whole time he was student teaching, but nothing had been working out. All of a sudden, in January, this job came up in Nevada. We drove out for an interview, and got the job the same day. They asked us if we could be moved and start the job in a WEEK! It was crazy! All of a sudden we weren't Idaho residents anymore. We just kinda left. And now here we are! The reason they needed us so quickly was because it was the middle of the school year (sadly, their previous music teacher was killed in a tragic car accident. Very sudden...very sad and hard on the community), and the students had already had a substitute for about a month and they weren't getting much done. Festivals were coming up, and the kids really weren't prepared. So, really, there was no other way to do it. They needed him right away. So it was super fast, but it was a blessing for us in a lot of ways.
This job has kept Bryan extremely busy! Picking up a job like this in the middle of the school year has been very difficult. For now, it seems that he's just treading water. He's just trying to finish out the school year the best he can until he can get things set up more as
his program for next year. On top of that, he spends a couple of hours after school each day giving private piano lessons as well. So usually he goes to work around 7:00 a.m. and doesn't get home until 6:00 p.m. or later. In a lot of ways it has been a really rough move. But overall I think it has been a good growing experience for our family. And with Summer approaching, things are looking up!
I just finished all the requirements for my Associates Degree in April! Now I'm going to focus more on my growing family and figure out where to go with my schooling in the future. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with our second child! We're expecting a little girl to join our family at the beginning of July. We're so excited to have a girl
and a boy. I can't wait to see how Isaac handles being a big brother. We're trying to prepare him as much as possible, but so far it is hard to tell how much he really understands. We've tried to talk to him about there being a baby in mommy's belly, but I don't know that he gets it. Sometimes he gives my belly kisses or rubs it like he sees daddy do, but usually he likes to punch it or push on it or sit on it and bounce...not very gentle...and not very comfortable. So we'll see how this goes!

Speaking of Isaac, he is over a year-and-a-half now! On the 19th of this month he'll be 21 months old. I can't believe that the last time I wrote he was only 9 months old. I thought for sure that I had written about his first birthday, but apparently not! He says a few words, and sometimes you can tell that he's trying so hard to copy things your saying. Sometimes he looks at me and is speaking babble, but he looks so serious and expects me to understand what he's saying, so when I'm still trying to figure it out he gets a little frustrated sometimes. But his vocabulary is definitely growing. We're also starting to get into the age where he doesn't
always like to do what we ask him to, and sometimes he needs to take a time-out. It's hard for me sometimes to realize that he's old enough to know that what he's doing is not what we're asking, and that he needs to be disciplined. But he really is, so I'm trying to remember that and be consistent with the rules. But I find it quite difficult sometimes. At least now that I've finished school I can focus more on him and being a good mom. I love having the time to take him outside and just let him play. He's such a character! Gotta love that cutie pie...
Well, that's the basic update! Of course, a lot more has happened, but it's hard to write about it all in one post. So maybe I'll leave it at this for now and just do better to keep it up from now on (haha....lol!). Really, I want to be a lot better at this, especially now that we're away from a lot of our friends and family. So wish me luck! Happy May, everyone! Hope your year is going swell so-far! Until next time...love to all! <3