The Ringo Family

The Ringo Family

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Been WAY too long...

Ok, so again I haven't posted anything on here in a while. Sorry! I'm sure you all know how life goes...all of a sudden months go by without you noticing, and then you have to catch up. So here we go!

Bryan is finally in his last semeter of classes on campus! (Woot!!!) In mid-July he will graduate, and then this Fall he will be doing his Student Teaching in Ashton, ID, which is about a 30-minute drive from Rexburg. (I know, usually you do your student teaching first...all I know is that this is how it's working. haha!) Also, he recently passed his Praxis test (which is basically his "teacher test". He needed to pass in order to be a teacher). We're really excited to be almost done! One step closer to opening a new chapter in our lives.

I am pretty much just being a stay-at-home mom. I am taking a choir class on campus on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It's nice to get out once in a while and do something that I enjoy. And it works out great because Bryan has a break in his classes at the same time that I have class. So I bring Isaac with me to the music building on campus, and Bryan watches him there! And Isaac loves playing with Bryan! He always comes home tired from playing with daddy. :)

Speaking of Isaac, he has changed so much! He's 9 months old (as of this past Thursday, the 19th). He's extremely mobile now! This video is a little's his "army crawl" he was doing for a while.

He's been crawling for quite a while now. I wouldn't be surpised if he starts walking really soon. He's been "cruising the furniture" for a while too, and he can even stand all by himself for a few seconds before losing his balance. It amazes me how quickly he's learning and developing! Since I last posted he's also gotten two teeth in on the bottom! (Which actually happened back in, like, it's been a while.) They both came in within a day of each other. So there were a couple of days where he was quite grumpy and not sleeping well. And then his teeth popped up and we knew exactly why. :) No more have come in since then, but sometimes he acts like his teeth are hurting him again, so maybe we'll be seeing more again soon. Until then, he's been exploring lots of new foods. I've been making him baby food at home (just pureeing steamed vegetables and squashing fruits and stuff). So for a little while that was all he was eating (along with nursing). But he was doing really good with it. No complaints about eating, and he has a lot of fun with it. He gets really excited. He's always watched us while we're eating and kinda had a longing look in his eyes. Now, he really begs for our food. I started giving him little peices of some of the things I eat, and now anytime Bryan or I am eating he comes right up to us and stands there staring, babbling, whining, and sometimes panting, until we give him some. And he stays there until he can be sure that the food is all gone.

This is the most recent video we have of him. This was just this past Sunday when we were cooking dinner on the grill outside, and we had Isaac out there playing.

A few weeks ago our ward boundaries were changed, so half of our ward was moved to a new ward. We were part of that half. So we're now in a new ward that has a whole new Bishopric, Elder's Quorum Presidency, and Relief Society Presidency. It was a HUGE change. So both Bryan and I are currently calling-less. We'll see how long that lasts. I'm kind-of excited to see what is next, you know? I was in the Relief Society Presidency in our old ward, and I LOVED it!!! So I was really sad to be moving wards and not have that calling anymore. But I am honestly really excited for the new opportunities coming our way! Can't wait to find out what the Lord has planned for us next.

So anyway, that's all I can really think of to update. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting...but oh well! 'Til next time! Love you all! <3

1 comment:

Hannah said...

HOLY COW!!! he got big all of a sudden. how do things like that happen???
Can't wait to see you!!