The Ringo Family

The Ringo Family

Monday, November 15, 2010

Temples, Why are they Important?

The Lord has always commanded that we commune with him in holy places.  Since the time of Adam, men have been making sacrifices.  These holy spots were often found in the tops of the mountains.  These were viewed as the closest place we could be to God.  Then God commanded Moses to erect a tabernacle (Num. 4).  There were designated times when the Lord would command Moses to build it so that the people could burn their sacrifices and commune with God (Ex. 40:2).  Solomon builds a temple that uses all the finest materials found in the area (1 Kings 6).  The tradition of building temples continued to the time of Christ.  The Nephites also had their temples (2 Ne 5:16, Jacob 2:2, Mosiah 2).  These temples were places of worship and sacrifice.  Temples in our days are used for the same purpose.  Instead of using animal sacrifices we commit to sacrifice our hearts for God.

Temples in our midst
Temples used in our days have specific purposes.  In the temple we are united for eternity with our families.  Our loved ones who have gone before us can be baptized and united with their families.  Member of the church make sacred covenants or promises with God to obey His commandments and live as He would have us live.  Pres. David O. McKay said in the January 1972 Ensign “… temples are built for the performance of sacred ordinances—not secret, but sacred.”  The things we do and say inside the temple are so special to the members that they are not repeated outside the walls.  

Temple Experiences
I have been through many temples throughout the United States and abroad.  The most remote temple I’ve been to is the one in Manila, Philippines.  The ordinances are performed both in English and in the native tongue weather that is Tagalog, Cebuano, Pangalitoc, Ilicono, etc.  All my experiences have been the same, rewarding and spiritual.  I have come to know the Lord in a way I never knew possible.  Temples are his house on this earth.  My absolute favorite temple I’ve ever been to is the Nauvoo, Illinois Temple.  When I visit, I feel the presence of the Pioneers who built the first temple there.  They’re sacrifice has made an impact on me that I never knew possible.  I’m so grateful for the doctrine of temples.  I know that because of the promises made inside, I can be together with my family in the eternities. 

1 comment:

ealldredge5 said...

"The ability to stand by one’s principles, to live with integrity and faith according to one’s belief—that is what matters. That devotion to true principle—in our individual lives, in our homes and families, and in all places that we meet and influence other people—that devotion is what God is ultimately requesting of us. It requires commitment—whole-souled, deeply held, eternally cherished commitment to the principles we know to be true in the commandments God has given. If we will be true and faithful to the Lord’s principles, then we will always be temple worthy, and the Lord and His holy temples will be the great symbols of our discipleship with Him."-Howard W Hunter, "A Temple-Motivated People."
The temple truly does provide many great blessings in our lives. I love this talk be President hunter because basically he is saying the temple is important because looking toward the temple helps us become the people Heavenly Father wants us to be.