Wow, I'm so bad! I can't believe how much time has gone by since I last posted here! I apologize for the wait. And now I have so much to catch up on!

Well, Isaac is 5 months old today! I still can't believe it. He's growing so fast! He has discovered his voice, and keeps experimenting with different sounds and noises he can make with his lips. Sometimes he's very talkative! But usually just at home. When we go out he's usually pretty chill.
He rolls over constantly to get around. He has begun to realize that there are more things to see than just his toys, so he rolls and scoots until he can get to something and then has fun eating it/drooling all over it. So we've had to keep a bit of a closer eye on him when he's playing on the floor. He no longer stays on the blanket for very long. Haha! But we love him so much! In general, he's a very happy baby. He LOVES it when Bryan gets home from school. He always gets so excited! He loves playing with Daddy! :) But he usually falls asleep better on Mommy.
He has definitely started teething. You could tell he was feeling it starting around 3 1/2 or so months. But now we can feel a tooth coming through on the top. So sometimes this causes problems at night when he's trying to sleep. But it doesn't happen every night. We still get some nights of full sleep. It could be a lot worse!
Bryan is still in school this semester, and plans on graduating mid-July of this year (which means only 2 semesters to go)! Then he'll do his student teaching this Fall semester. He no longer works his job down in Ammon at the gas station. He is still working on campus, however, at the Music Department's Property Office. So he spends more time at home now, and has Sundays with Isaac and I. It's so great to have him home! Isaac definitely enjoys it! It's great to watch the two of them finally have time to play and interact. Bryan makes him laugh a lot!
Lately I've had A LOT of migraines again. Since Isaac was born I hadn't been having too many. But in the past week or so I've had 5, some lasting more than one day. Some have been more intense than I've had in quite a long time. It's really sudden, and really strange. But having Bryan home more often has been such a blessing when it comes to that! It's made it so much easier to deal with.
In November, Isaac and I drove to Oregon with Chanel for Thanksgiving. Bryan couldn't come with us because there was no way he could get work off. I really didn't want to leave him here alone for Thanksgiving, but he told us to go anyway. Isaac actually did pretty well on the drive! He slept most of the time (especially at the beginning). When he'd wake up I'd feed him a bottle, and he would go straight back to sleep. We only had to stop a few times to change him. By the end of the drive, he began to get a little restless, but overall he did better than I expected him to. We got to be there for James' birthday(video below). I can't believe he's 10 now! In fact, everyone's getting so old! It's so different visiting home now. Chara and James are both getting so much older every time I see them, it's sometimes hard to recognize them at first. And I still have a hard time believing that Chanel is in college. But anyway, it was great! The whole week we were there, Isaac had a lot of fun playing with (and getting spoiled by...haha!) his aunts, uncle and, of course, "grandma and grandpa"(It's still really weird for me to think of them that way. haha!). We had a really great time! I'm sad I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted to. Who knows exactly when we'll see the family next. But it was still a great time! The weather made us have to leave a little earlier than we had planned. But we eventually got back to Rexburg safe and sound. :)
Bryan's parents and little sister, Hannah, were able to come visit us here for Christmas! I was so glad they could come and meet Isaac for the first time. Even though it's a LONG drive, and can be pretty scary during the winter. Again, Isaac just loved getting spoiled by them! And opening Christmas presents with him was a lot of fun! He loved pulling on the wrapping paper, and the sound it made. Once the gift was out of the paper, he usually just wanted to eat it! But since then he has put most of those gifts to good use! While they were here we got to make some wonderful food, take a nice little trip down to Idaho Falls, and just enjoy each other's company! Sadly, some of our plans fell through...the weather caused them to have to leave early too. But, in the end, they left at the perfect time! They just beat the snow. It was really sad that we didn't get to finish the visit like we'd planned. But what a blessing that they were able to come in the first place, and then make it home safely! Again, I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted to. But it was a wonderful time!
Other than that, I don't think much else is new. I'm sure I'll think of something later. Haha! But again, I'm sorry it's been so long! I will try to do better now that we're through the holidays. Love you all!